BlackRock Briefings

We know it’s hard to find time to read in-depth analysis on everything affecting the markets. So we created BlackRock Briefings, delivering timely market analysis and insights from our strategists at BlackRock Investment Institute. We unpack the most important topics of the week, one day at a time, so that you can access BlackRock’s outlook morning or night, anywhere that you have a smart speaker, or an Alexa or Google Assistant enabled device – even their apps!

How to Listen

We’ve made BlackRock Briefings accessible to both Alexa, via a Flash Briefing, and Google Assistant, via a Google News Briefing. Briefings are updated weekly. Follow these instructions for each respective platform to get set up.

Amazon Alexa
Amazon Alexa
Enable the Flash Briefing on your Amazon Alexa App or by going here.
Google Assistant
Google Assistant
To listen on demand - Say “Hey Google, Play news from BlackRock.”

Amazon Alexa

  1. Manage the order of your briefings by going to “settings” in your Alexa app and find “Flash Briefing.” Here you can manage the sequence of briefings, and move BlackRock to the top.
  2. To Listen, say “Alexa, play my Flash Briefing”

Google Assistant
(to add to your daily news)

  1. Open the Google Assistant App (iOS) or hold down your home button (Android) and go to your Profile settings.
  2. Under “Services” in your menu, select “News” then scroll down and select “Add News Sources.”
  3. Select language “English (United States)” from the drop-down if not already selected.
  4. Navigate to “Business” and select BlackRock from the list.
  5. Tap back to the main “News” menu, and select “Change Order” to drag and drop BlackRock into the top spot.
  6. To Listen, say “Hey Google, Listen to the News”